Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heart DIY: Nails

Everytime I go on pinterest I am amazed at all the idea's and inspiration out there, not just for fashion, but DIY's, recipes, beauty and nails. I have found some fun nail art through Pinterest and I just had to share it with you guys because they're all heart inspired!
I tried my hands at just drawing on hearts with a nail pen, because I lack the patience (and steady hand) required to do the fancier versions. I picked up a pink nail pen, and painted my nails blue (essie's torquise and caicos) and did a little heart on my thumbs and ring fingers. It turned out pretty good, but definitely will take more practice.

 photo hearts2_zps6947994e.jpg photo hearts3_zps865dbe01.jpg photo hearts4_zps80e1534e.jpg
If you do use the nail pen I think it's best to make sure your base coat is completely dry, mine wasn't (because of the lack of patience) and it turned out a bit uneven


  1. I keep wanting to get a nail pen but they seem well expensive for something I know I wont use a lot. I do love looking at cool nail art online though. Do you read the Dainty Squid? She always has awesome nails.

  2. I love this idea of a nail would make painting so much more fun and easy. I love your cute little heart!

    <3 Cambria

  3. Pinterest is so addicting, love the little heart design.

    xo erica

  4. I've never heard of a nail pen but it sounds ingenious! I have the same lack of patience you do so just letting my base coat dry without chipping or smudging it is always a challenge for me, never mind putting another layer of nail art on top... but I see so many cute ideas on Pinterest, I'm always tempted and I think with a nail pen I might {just might} be able to recreate your adorable manicure :)


Thank you for the love!