Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow Day

Here are some photos from my frosty adventure on friday before I froze my beehind off!! I hope everyone had an excellent weekend, I know I did. I relaxed, did homework, worked out, hung out with the boyfriend and friends. It was really good! It snowed allll day here again today, so we're looking at another inch or so. Its supposed to warm up to -5 by thursday though! That will feel sooo warm
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Frosty photos!!
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Looks like an add for starbucks, but really my cup was filled with "holiday tea" from second cup, so delicious. My mitten from the Vancouver Olympics last year
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ahh some of these are too big now, but I'm just going to leave it took too long to upload them as is. Grumblegrumble


  1. wow. i love the look of snow. its hard to imagine being cold right now where i am. love these pics though.
    Scrapbook de la Emma

  2. SOOO pretty! -5, eh...toasty warm haha.

  3. Thank you!! Haha, -5 is toasty warm compared to -20! It's really funny how in winter our sense of "good weather" really gets warped

  4. Snow always looks so pretty... it's such a shame it has to be cold! We're freezing here in Vancouver, at least by our standards, but nothing like this :)

  5. Brrrr. I love the red against the snow :) Gorgeous photos!


  6. Such a winter wonderland! It will start looking like that in Amsterdam soon.. I can't wait. My first snowy winter! I'm originally from California so am super excited about this, ha.

    Stay warm!

    Glocal Girl

  7. Thank you!!

    @ Glocalgirl, wow a change from california to amsterdam!! Thats a bit one


Thank you for the love!